When watching a video on YouTube in full screen mode there is a button that appears next to the play button. This button, which I'll call the bubbles button, reveals an interactive network of "related" videos. I say "related" because they appear to related mostly by submitting user and popular vote. The video that you are watching appears as a slightly larger bubble or node in the network in the center. As the user mouses over the other bubbles, more bubbles appear. Mousing over one bubble reveals all bubbles that are directly linked to that bubble. The network plain is expandable in the X and Y directions.
I still have found no evidence, other than popular vote, to show that the recommendations are at all personalized to the user.
For next week I'll set up another account and make very different 'favorites.' Hopefully I'll be able to do the same search from each account and compare the results to see how personalized they are.