Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wikilens vs Netflix
Trust issues
After reading the article for today's class I thought about a project I worked on last semester in an HCI class that focused on security and privacy. The goal of the project was to determine whether or not the average UNCC student was more likely to reveal private information, that could compromise their UNCC email account, to a computer or to a random stranger person. The survey was disguised as a Facebook survey due to the high number of surveys that occur on campus that focus on Facebook. The results found that among the students surveyed they were equally likely to reveal information to either a computer survey or a student surveyor.
The link below details the project. The data doesn't appear to be there for some reason. I'll work on that.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Interesting Slashdot post about Netflix Prize
This is a couple of weeks old but I thought it should at least be posted here. It is about one of the leading competitors that emerged recently on the Netflix Prize scene. They claim that he does not have a computing or math background. A little research shows that he does.
New Version of UC Berkley's Joke Recommender
This article describes UC Berkley's joke recommender and the updates that were just released. Two pieces of software were released into new versions. EigenTaste is now in version 5 and Jester is now version 4. The system now has over 4 million ratings. The article is an elementary look at this collaborative filtering algorithm run system. It does describe the features and some of the jokes. ;) Prof. Ken Goldberg notes that the engine can be applied to anything with large inventories. Donation Dashboard is one other application that he mentions. I seem to remember talking about this earlier in the semester. Is that right?
I have noticed a trend in systems I've read about recently. Taking into account the user's most recent input seems to be popular.
The article:
The Slasdot article:
The updated software:
Wikilens Charlotte Bicycle Shops
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Transition from Youtube Journaling to WikiLens
Recommender system and method for generating implicit ratings based on user interactions with handheld devices
This recommends items based on how a user interacts with a handheld device. Users are given a repetitive task to do on a mobile device. Their interactions are recorded in a history. This history is used to create recommendations. Unlike Amazon's content based system, this system takes into account how recent an event or interaction occurred. More recent interactions are considered to be more relevant.
According to the claims, the calculations for the recommendations are made in the following three ways:
- "rating(item)=number of interactions(item) since datetime(item acquired)/number of total interactions (item) since datetime(item acquired)."
- "rating(item)=total interaction time(item)/size(item)"
rating(item)=[total interaction time(item)/size(item)*exp(−damping coefficient]*(date−time acquired).
The first method takes into account the recency of the interaction. The second method takes into account the amount of time that the user spent on a particular interaction. The third method takes into account something that I don't understand. I can't figure out what the difference is between claim 2 and claim 3. They appear to be the same with the exception of the calculations.
Mobile devices that the patent covers in its data gathering include cell phones, mp3 players, PDAs, and electronic book readers.
**WARNING this was probably written by a lawyer***